The Digital Financial Plan
Embrace the perfect digital relationship between financial broker and client. Clients no longer play by traditional rules so MyMoneyPlatform fosters personalised listening in a model that is aligned to ever-changing circumstances in your clients’ finances. MyMoneyPlatform has the necessary assets to create co-constructed interfaces in a kind of relationship inspired by the collaborative
economy where customers define their real needs. Business is no longer done on Main Street so offer your clients the best customer experience.

Connecting Your Clients With Your Advice, Instantly
MyMoneyPlatform has been designed to give your clients all the tools and information they need to commit to your products before your team even connects with them. Through targeted questioning, this unique software will seek out the holes in financial plans on your behalf, pre-qualifying these leads for your sales team. The smart algorithms start making suggestions about how these gaps can be rectified and allow them to‘Action’ these gaps by contacting your sales team or starting the paperwork.
Through the combination of AI and human interaction your clients can avail of one to one advice, review their finances in even more depth and purchase financial products to accelerate their ambitions for the future. If you are looking for the best personal finance software available, look no further!
Bringing New Business
For most financial sales teams, life is filled with forms and fact finding. Getting to grips with the customers financial situation is not always as easy as it should be, often taking significant time and effort. Freeing up these resources, allows the sales team to
focus on pitching the right product and closing the sales. Having a birds-eye view of your clients’ finances opens instant cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.
Aligning Your Business To Your Clients Life
Your clients may digitally connect to your sales team at any time. Not when they are due to re-connect in 3 years when they are due to talk again but when they get the pregnancy result, see their dream car, propose, become ill or lose a loved one. Instantly with a few clicks the client and adviser get to reassess the financial position and adjust the strategy and choose the best products to realign the client.
Cutting Out the Paperwork for Everyone
MyMoneyPlatform only asks the necessary questions, and only once. The platform has the ability to carry your client right through the Introduction, Fact-Find, Pitch and Close of the sale if you choose that strategy. Attach your online process to your customised interface and have the client do the work for your sales team.
How It Works

Client Engages Platform
With a cutting edge UX design the client can browse across each area of their finances, seamlessly completing the fact-find and learning about the shortfalls in their finances through scores and personalised recommendations

Client Engages Adviser
With a single click the client notifies the sales team that they want to discuss more or even start the application paperwork.

Adviser Walks With Client
Closing out the sale of the required financial product(s) the adviser supports the client and assists with the final paperwork to set the policy up.

Control the variable inputs of the platform completely re-brand the interface from within our Central Broker System.

An integrated CRM solution, connected to the clients interface, will grow to a cutting edge financial planning specific solution. Brokers see real-time updates to client changes in circumstances and can narrow their search to run dedicated campaigns.

Agile Architecture
Further development of our API solution will allow even easier integration with 3rd party solutions and databases.