If there is one thing in this world that we all have in common, it’s money. Some have a little, some have a lot, but everyone has it and needs it to survive. Why then, when everyone is faced with the same issues, is genuine financial advice so darn hard to obtain?
If you’ve ever visited a ‘financial advisor’, you may have noticed that they’re a lot keener to help out if you have lots of money to invest than if you’re scratching around to make ends meet. If they’re tied to your bank, they’re probably keen to sell you some of their products. Finding truly independent, worthwhile financial guidance is about as easy as finding a hot date on Tinder, which is why MyMoneyPlatform has been developed with you in mind.
Our innovative personal financial planning software has been designed to put you back in control of your cash. With one simple platform, you can control your whole financial world, anytime, anyplace. We’ve worked hard to jettison jargon and catapult complex calculations right out of the window, leaving you with something beautiful, easy to use and simple to understand.
MyMoneyPlatform is really a tiny little financial advisor who will always be there for you. He fits in your pocket, instead of putting his hand in it, and offers truly independent, unbiased advice to help you realise your financial goals. Best of all, MyMoneyPlatform is completely free, so you can keep all your cash for yourself!